

All illustrations are created entirely by me, Erin Torgerson, and are not available for redistribution without my permission.



12.3.18 | What started as a doodle eventually gained a personality. I wanted to experiment with shape and line by dramatically overstating the effect of shadow on my model’s form.

My other inspiration for this piece came from wine bottles. I have long been an admirer of the cover art waiting to be plundered at every corner liquor store. The silhouette, precarious balance, and color pallette all swirl back to the same inspirational glass of Cabarnet.

Third Wave Feminism #thebirds

Third Wave Feminism #thebirds

November 7, 2018
After years of recess from traditional and digital drawing, I knew I needed to start again but found myself pondering my subject. I know that my strengths as an artist lie in my ability to convey narrative, and I wanted to both challenge and exploit that inclination.

Ultimately, I decided my subject would be something I disliked—and I chose birds. To the dismay of my parents, I seriously dislike the cheepers. My stance on them, thanks to this piece, has softened. I spent a huge amount of time detailing the natural pathways found in a plant’s grooves, then paid careful attention to my birds’ expressions. I’m happy with their personalities — especially the stinker in the back.

Menu Cards

Menu Cards

My mother is an accomplished hostess and champion of dinner parties. Thanks to her, I began designing menu cards and other pieces of event-themed stationary.



Concept art for a comic featuring a young widow and a Kushtaka - a type of Native American boogieman. The Kushtaka are thought of as river or otter spirits, and are known for their ability to mimic the voices of the recently deceased. The Kushtaka’s victims are drawn by the cries of their dearly departed - and then, devoured.